Registration now open for BitCurator User Forum 2016!

BitCurator User Forum 2016
Join BitCurator users from around the globe as we discuss how we are using the BitCurator software environment. Hosted by the BitCurator Consortium (BCC), this event will be grounded in the practical, real-world experiences of digital archivists and digital curation experts. Come prepared to discuss your current challenges, share emerging BitCurator integrations and workflows, and address the “now what” of handling your digital forensics outputs.

Date: 15 January 2016
Place: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

General Registration – $30
Student Registration – $15
BitCurator Consortium Member Registration – Free

Register now!

iPRES2015 is here! Plus BitCurator Social Mixer

Coming to iPRES2015 next week?
The BitCurator Social Mixer will be taking place at the Back Bar, Top of the Hill next Thursday evening, November 5th from 7pm-9pm.
We will have hors d’oeuvres, BitCurator stickers, and buttons! And lots to chat about.
Reserve your spot here!

We also wanted to draw your attention to the Conference Amplification page . Networking and engagement are huge parts of any conference and we’ve devised a few special sessions in the conference programme that we really want you to participate in.

See the iPRES 2015 Full Program and Program at a Glance and the list of posters and demos.

When tweeting about iPRES 2015, we recommend that you use the hashtag #ipres2015.
Both of the keynotes will be livestreamed.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Seeking participants for Open-Source Software workshop at iPRES2015

Workshop: Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements
International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES)
Friday, November 6, 2015
Chapel Hill, NC, USA

The workshop offers a space to talk about open-source software for digital preservation, and the particular challenges of developing systems and integrating them into local environments and workflows.
Topics will include current efforts and grant-funded initiatives to integrate different open source archival software tools; the development of workflows involving multiple open source tools for digital preservation, forensics, discovery and access; and the identification of gaps which may need filled by these or other tools.

Interested parties should submit a short summary (one page maximum) of a demonstration or case study they would like to present. These contributions will serve as the basis for the tool demonstration and case study portions of the day. The workshop organizers will serve as panelists during the third portion of the day and facilitators for break-out group discussions.

Please send your submissions to: by Friday, October 9.

You can also send any questions to the address above.

Submission will be reviewed to ensure relevance to the themes of the event. If you would like to be considered for the workshop in time to register for iPRES at the early bird rate (before October 1), please make your submission as soon as possible, and we will do our best to review it quickly.

We hope to see you there.


Christine Di Bella

Max Eckard
University of Michigan

Christopher (Cal) Lee
University of North Carolina

Sam Meister
Educopia Institute

Courtney Mumma
Internet Archive

Michael Shallcross
University of Michigan

Bradley Westbrook

Save the Dates – Announcing CurateGear and BitCurator Users Forum

Curate Gear 2016 – Thursday, January 14th, 2016
2nd Annual BitCurator User Forum – Friday, January 15th, 2016

January will once again be a big month in Chapel Hill for those interested in digital curation. On January 14, we’ll be hosting CurateGear 2016: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections. This will be the fifth year that we’ve run this interactive day-long event focused on digital curation tools and methods. Participants see demonstrations, hear about the latest developments, and discuss application in professional contexts. We don’t yet have the program for 2016, but you can get a sense of the content and format by visiting the agendas from previous years:

On January 15, we’ll be running the second BitCurator Users Forum, hosted by the BitCurator Consortium.

You can see information about last year’s BUF at:

The BCC Program Committee will be developing the agenda for this year.
Stay tuned for further information.

We hope to see you in Chapel Hill in January!

BitCurator Takes Vienna!

Cal and Kam just returned from teaching a one-day workshop at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Vienna, Austria! The workshop was sponsored by the Open Preservation Foundation, which seeks to promote best practices for the long-term preservation of digital cultural heritage materials.

During the workshop, participants were able to gain hands-on experience using BitCurator tools, including our latest developments with BitCurator Access. Participants were encouraged to bring disk images from their own collections, in an effort to present and discuss real-world use cases faced by institutions. The workshop focused on using the BitCurator environment to assist with various aspects of digital curation, including pre-imaging data triage; forensic disk imaging; file system analysis and reporting; identification of private and individually identifying information; and export of technical and other metadata. Workshop participants came from five different European countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
